
class PropertyLabelCorrelation[source]#

Return the PPS (Predictive Power Score) of all properties in relation to the label.

The PPS represents the ability of a feature to single-handedly predict another feature or label. In this check, we specifically use it to assess the ability to predict the label by a text property (e.g. text length, language etc.). A high PPS (close to 1) can mean that there’s a bias in the dataset, as a single property can predict the label successfully, using simple classic ML algorithms - meaning that a deep learning algorithm may accidentally learn these properties instead of more accurate complex abstractions.

Uses the ppscore package - for more info, see

properties_to_ignore: Optional[List[str]], default: None

List of properties to ignore in the check.

properties_to_include: Optional[List[str]], default: None

List of properties to include in the check. If None, all properties will be included.

ppscore_paramsdict , default: None

dictionary of additional parameters for the ppscore.predictors function

n_top_propertiesint , default: 5

Number of properties to show, sorted by the magnitude of difference in PPS

n_samplesint , default: 100_000

number of samples to use for this check.

random_stateint , default: None

Random state for the ppscore.predictors function

__init__(properties_to_ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None, properties_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = None, ppscore_params: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, n_top_properties: int = 5, n_samples: int = 100000, **kwargs)[source]#
__new__(*args, **kwargs)#


PropertyLabelCorrelation.add_condition(name, ...)

Add new condition function to the check.


Add condition that will check that pps of the specified properties is less than the threshold.


Remove all conditions from this check instance.


Run conditions on given result.


Return check configuration (conditions' configuration not yet supported).

PropertyLabelCorrelation.from_config(conf[, ...])

Return check object from a CheckConfig object.

PropertyLabelCorrelation.from_json(conf[, ...])

Deserialize check instance from JSON string.


Return check metadata.

Name of class in split camel case.


Return parameters to show when printing the check.


Remove given condition by index.[, ...])

Run check.

PropertyLabelCorrelation.run_logic(context, ...)

Run check.

PropertyLabelCorrelation.to_json([indent, ...])

Serialize check instance to JSON string.
