Spark & Databricks ================== This tutorial demonstrates how deepchecks can be used on the Databricks ML platform using Spark. We will build a logistic regression model on top of the Adult dataset, a sample dataset that is automatically available on every databricks workspace. Loading the dataset ------------------- We first define the dataset schema and then load it as a Spark dataframe. .. code-block:: python schema = """`age` DOUBLE, `workclass` STRING, `fnlwgt` DOUBLE, `education` STRING, `education_num` DOUBLE, `marital_status` STRING, `occupation` STRING, `relationship` STRING, `race` STRING, `sex` STRING, `capital_gain` DOUBLE, `capital_loss` DOUBLE, `hours_per_week` DOUBLE, `native_country` STRING, `income` STRING""" dataset ="/databricks-datasets/adult/", schema=schema) # Splitting the data to train/test set trainDF, testDF = dataset.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2], seed=42) Defining deepchecks Dataset --------------------------- We first convert the spark DataFrame to a pandas dataframe deepchecks can work with. .. note:: Conversion to a pandas dataframe will load the data into memory. If you have a large dataset, is is recommended to sample the data first. Logically, it is OK to sample since anyway most of the checks will be performed on a small subset of the data. .. code-block:: python from deepchecks.tabular import Dataset pd_train = trainDF.toPandas() pd_test = testDF.toPandas() ds_train = Dataset(pd_train, label='income', cat_features=['workclass', 'education', 'marital_status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'native_country']) ds_test = Dataset(pd_test, label='income', cat_features=['workclass', 'education', 'marital_status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'native_country']) Running the Integrity Suite --------------------------- One of deepchecks' use-cases is to validate the integrity of the dataset, even without a model. In order to do so, the single dataset integrity suite can be run on the dataset. .. code-block:: python from deepchecks.tabular.suites import data_integrity # Validate the training set train_res = data_integrity().run(ds_train) Displaying the results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will use the built-in functions of the Databricks platform to view the results in a HTML format. .. code-block:: python from io import StringIO buff = StringIO() train_res.save_as_html(buff) displayHTML(buff.getvalue()) Building a Logistic Regression Model ------------------------------------ After we validated that our data is clean and ready to be used in a model, we will build a logistic regression model that classifies whether a person's income is above or below 50K. First, we preprocess the features. The categorical features are one-hot encoded and the label is being transformed to 0/1. .. code-block:: python from import StringIndexer, OneHotEncoder, VectorAssembler categoricalCols = ["workclass", "education", "marital_status", "occupation", "relationship", "race", "sex"] # The following two lines are estimators. They return functions that we will later apply to transform the dataset. stringIndexer = StringIndexer(inputCols=categoricalCols, outputCols=[x + "Index" for x in categoricalCols]) encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCols=stringIndexer.getOutputCols(), outputCols=[x + "OHE" for x in categoricalCols]) # The label column ("income") is also a string value - it has two possible values, "<=50K" and ">50K". # Convert it to a numeric value using StringIndexer. labelToIndex = StringIndexer(inputCol="income", outputCol="label") stringIndexerModel = # This includes both the numeric columns and the one-hot encoded binary vector columns in our dataset. numericCols = ["age", "fnlwgt", "education_num", "capital_gain", "capital_loss", "hours_per_week"] assemblerInputs = [c + "OHE" for c in categoricalCols] + numericCols vecAssembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=assemblerInputs, outputCol="features") Training the Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from import LogisticRegression from import Pipeline lr = LogisticRegression(featuresCol="features", labelCol="label") # Define the pipeline based on the stages created in previous steps. pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[stringIndexer, encoder, labelToIndex, vecAssembler, lr]) # Fit the pipeline model. pipelineModel = Writing a Model Wrapper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will write a wrapper to our model, that will implement the required API for deepchecks according the the :ref:`tabular__supported_models` guide. Generally the wrapper model will contain 2 functions in case of a classification problem: the ``predict`` and the ``predict_proba`` functions that will be called by deepchecks. In addition it is also possible to specify the feature importances of the model. Read more about feature importance handling in the :ref:`tabular__feature_importance` guide. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import pyspark from import IndexToString class PySparkModelWrapper: def __init__(self, model:, label_map): self.model = model self.idx_to_string = IndexToString(inputCol="prediction", outputCol="predictedValue") self.idx_to_string.setLabels(label_map) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: df=spark.createDataFrame(X) preds = self.idx_to_string.transform(self.model.transform(df).select('prediction')).select('predictedValue').collect() return np.array(preds).reshape(-1) def predict_proba(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: df=spark.createDataFrame(X) preds = self.model.transform(df).select('prediction').collect() return np.array(preds).reshape(-1, 2) @property def feature_importances_(self): return np.array([1/14] * 14) .. note:: The wrapper here considers that all features are equally important. This is not a valid assumption for real models, but is done here for simplicity. Evaluating the Model Using Deepchecks Suites -------------------------------------------- We will run 2 suites, the ``model_evaluation`` suite that is meant to test model performance and overfit, and the ``train_test_validation`` is meant to validate correctness of train-test split, including integrity, distribution and leakage checks. .. code-block:: python from deepchecks.tabular.suites import model_evaluation, train_test_validation eval_suite = model_evaluation() model_evaluation_res =,ds_test, PySparkModelWrapper(pipelineModel, pipelineModel.stages[2].labels)) train_test_suite = train_test_validation() train_test_res =, ds_test, PySparkModelWrapper(pipelineModel, pipelineModel.stages[2].labels)) Displaying the Results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from io import StringIO buff = StringIO() model_evaluation_res.save_as_html(buff) displayHTML(buff.getvalue()) buff = StringIO() train_test_res.save_as_html(buff) displayHTML(buff.getvalue())