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Quickstart - Model Evaluation Suite#
The deepchecks model evaluation suite is relevant any time you wish to evaluate your model. For example:
Thorough analysis of the model’s performance before deploying it.
Evaluation of a proposed model during the model selection and optimization stage.
Checking the model’s performance on a new batch of data (with or without comparison to previous data batches).
Here we’ll build a regression model using the wine quality dataset
to demonstrate how you can run the suite with only a few simple lines of code,
and see which kind of insights it can find.
# Before we start, if you don't have deepchecks installed yet, run:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install deepchecks -U --quiet
# or install using pip from your python environment
Prepare Data and Model#
Load Data#
from deepchecks.tabular.datasets.regression import wine_quality
data = wine_quality.load_data(data_format='Dataframe', as_train_test=False)
Split Data and Train a Simple Model#
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data.iloc[:, :-1], data['quality'], test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor(), y_train)
Run Deepchecks for Model Evaluation#
Create a Dataset Object#
Create a deepchecks Dataset, including the relevant metadata (label, date, index, etc.).
Check out deepchecks.tabular.Dataset
to see all the column types and attributes
that can be declared.
from deepchecks.tabular import Dataset
# Categorical features can be heuristically inferred, however we
# recommend to state them explicitly to avoid misclassification.
# Metadata attributes are optional. Some checks will run only if specific attributes are declared.
train_ds = Dataset(X_train, label=y_train, cat_features=[])
test_ds = Dataset(X_test, label=y_test, cat_features=[])
Run the Deepchecks Suite#
Validate your data with the deepchecks.tabular.suites.model_evaluation
It runs on two datasets and a model, so you can use it to compare the performance of the model between
any two batches of data (e.g. train data, test data, a new batch of data
that recently arrived)
Check out the “when should you use deepchecks guide” for some more info about the existing suites and when to use them.
from deepchecks.tabular.suites import model_evaluation
evaluation_suite = model_evaluation()
suite_result =, test_ds, gbr)
# Note: the result can be saved as html using suite_result.save_as_html()
# or exported to json using suite_result.to_json()
Model Evaluation Suite:
| | 0/12 [Time: 00:00]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|# | 1/12 [Time: 00:00, Check=Train Test Performance]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|##### | 5/12 [Time: 00:00, Check=Simple Model Comparison]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|######## | 8/12 [Time: 00:03, Check=Regression Systematic Error]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|########### | 11/12 [Time: 00:04, Check=Boosting Overfit]
Analyzing the results#
The result showcase a number of interesting insights, first let’s inspect the “Didn’t Pass” section.
Train Test Performance check result implies that the model overfitted the training data.
Regression Systematic Error (test set) check result demonstrate the model small positive bias.
Weak Segments Performance (test set) check result visualize some specific sub-spaces on which the model performs poorly. Examples for those sub-spaces are wines with low total sulfur dioxide and wines with high alcohol percentage.
Next, let’s examine the “Passed” section.
Simple Model Comparison check result states that the model performs better than naive baseline models, an opposite result could indicate a problem with the model or the data it was trained on.
Boosting Overfit check and the Unused Features check results implies that the model has a well calibrating boosting stopping rule and that it make good use on the different data features.
Let’s try and fix the overfitting issue found in the model.
Fix the Model and Re-run a Single Check#
from deepchecks.tabular.checks import TrainTestPerformance
gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=20), y_train)
# Initialize the check and add an optional condition
check = TrainTestPerformance().add_condition_train_test_relative_degradation_less_than(0.3)
result =, test_ds, gbr)
We mitigated the overfitting to some extent. Additional model tuning is required to overcome other issues discussed above. For now, we will update and remove the relevant conditions from the suite.
Updating an Existing Suite#
To create our own suite, we can start with an empty suite and add checks and condition to it (see Create a Custom Suite), or we can start with one of the default suites and update it as demonstrated in this section.
let’s inspect our model evaluation suite’s structure
Model Evaluation Suite: [
0: TrainTestPerformance
0: Train-Test scores relative degradation is less than 0.1
1: RocReport(excluded_classes=[])
0: AUC score for all the classes is greater than 0.7
2: ConfusionMatrixReport
3: TrainTestPredictionDrift
0: categorical drift score < 0.15 and numerical drift score < 0.075
4: SimpleModelComparison
0: Model performance gain over simple model is greater than 10%
5: WeakSegmentsPerformance(n_to_show=5)
0: The relative performance of weakest segment is greater than 80% of average model performance.
6: CalibrationScore
7: RegressionSystematicError
0: Bias ratio is less than 0.01
8: RegressionErrorDistribution
0: Kurtosis value is greater than -0.1
9: UnusedFeatures
0: Number of high variance unused features is less or equal to 5
10: BoostingOverfit
0: Test score over iterations is less than 5% from the best score
11: ModelInferenceTime
0: Average model inference time for one sample is less than 0.001
Next, we will update the Train Test Performance condition and remove the Regression Systematic Error check:
evaluation_suite = evaluation_suite.remove(7)
Re-run the suite using:
result =, test_ds, gbr)
Model Evaluation Suite:
| | 0/11 [Time: 00:00]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|# | 1/11 [Time: 00:00, Check=Train Test Performance]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|##### | 5/11 [Time: 00:00, Check=Simple Model Comparison]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|######## | 8/11 [Time: 00:03, Check=Regression Error Distribution]
Model Evaluation Suite:
|########## | 10/11 [Time: 00:03, Check=Boosting Overfit]
For more info about working with conditions, see the detailed Configure Check Conditions guide.
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 10.572 seconds)