
class SimpleModelComparison[source]#

Compare given model score to simple model score (according to given model type).

For classification models, the simple model is a dummy classifier the selects the predictions based on a strategy.

strategystr, default=’prior’

Strategy to use to generate the predictions of the simple model.

  • ‘most_frequent’ : The most frequent label in the training set is predicted. The probability vector is 1 for the most frequent label and 0 for the other predictions.

  • ‘prior’ : The probability vector always contains the empirical class prior distribution (i.e. the class distribution observed in the training set).

  • ‘stratified’ : The predictions are generated by sampling one-hot vectors from a multinomial distribution parametrized by the empirical class prior probabilities.

  • ‘uniform’ : Generates predictions uniformly at random from the list of unique classes observed in y, i.e. each class has equal probability. The predicted class is chosen randomly.

scorers: Union[Dict[str, Union[Callable, str]], List[Any]], default: None

Scorers to override the default scorers (metrics), find more about the supported formats at

n_to_showint, default: 20

Number of classes to show in the report. If None, show all classes.

show_onlystr, default: ‘largest’

Specify which classes to show in the report. Can be one of the following: - ‘largest’: Show the largest classes. - ‘smallest’: Show the smallest classes. - ‘random’: Show random classes. - ‘best’: Show the classes with the highest score. - ‘worst’: Show the classes with the lowest score.

metric_to_show_bystr, default: None

Specify the metric to sort the results by. Relevant only when show_only is ‘best’ or ‘worst’. If None, sorting by the first metric in the default metrics list.

class_list_to_show: List[int], default: None

Specify the list of classes to show in the report. If specified, n_to_show, show_only and metric_to_show_by are ignored.

n_samplesOptional[int] , default10000

Number of samples to use for the check. If None, all samples will be used.

__init__(scorers: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]], List[Any]]] = None, strategy: str = 'most_frequent', n_to_show: int = 20, show_only: str = 'largest', metric_to_show_by: Optional[str] = None, class_list_to_show: Optional[List[int]] = None, n_samples: Optional[int] = 10000, **kwargs)[source]#
__new__(*args, **kwargs)#


SimpleModelComparison.add_condition(name, ...)

Add new condition function to the check.


Add condition - require gain between the model and the simple model to be greater than threshold.


Remove all conditions from this check instance.


Compute the metrics for the check.


Run conditions on given result.


Return check configuration (conditions' configuration not yet supported).

SimpleModelComparison.from_config(conf[, ...])

Return check object from a CheckConfig object.

SimpleModelComparison.from_json(conf[, ...])

Deserialize check instance from JSON string.


Initialize the metrics for the check, and validate task type is relevant.


Return check metadata.

Name of class in split camel case.


Return parameters to show when printing the check.


Remove given condition by index., ...)

Run check.

SimpleModelComparison.to_json([indent, ...])

Serialize check instance to JSON string.

SimpleModelComparison.update(context, batch, ...)

Update the metrics for the check.
