The Vision Data Class#
The VisionData data class is the base class for all computer vision datasets, and represent a base CV task in deepchecks. It wraps PyTorch DataLoader together with model related metadata and contains additional data and general methods intended for easily accessing metadata relevant for validating a computer vision ML models.
For more info, please visit the API reference page: VisionData
The VisionData class represents a base CV task, and ignores the labels of the dataset, and the predictions
of the model. It is mainly used for checks that doesn’t require them, such as
Class Properties#
The common properties are:
label_map - A dictionary mapping class ids to their names.
name - The dataset name to present in the displays instead of Train or Test.
Accepted Image Format#
All checks in deepchecks require images in the same format. They use the batch_to_images()
function in order to get
the images in the correct format.
The accepted format for a batch of images is an iterable of cv2 images. Each image in the iterable must be a [H, W, C] 3D numpy array. The first dimension must be the image y axis, the second being the image x axis, and the third being the number of channels. The numbers in the array should be in the range [0, 255]. Color images should be in RGB format and have 3 channels, while grayscale images should have 1 channel. The dtype of the array should be uint8.
from import VisionData
class NormalizedImagesData(VisionData):
"""Implement a VisionData class for PIL images."""
def batch_to_images(self, batch):
"""Convert a batch of images to a list of PIL images.
batch : torch.Tensor
The batch of images to convert.
A list of PIL images.
# Assuming batch[0] is a batch of (N, C, H, W) images, we convert it to (N, H, W, C)/
imgs = batch[0].detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
# The images are normalized to [0, 1] range based on the mean and std of the ImageNet dataset, so we need to
# convert them back to [0, 255] range.
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
imgs = std * imgs + mean
imgs = np.clip(imgs, 0, 1)
imgs *= 255
return imgs
# Now, in order to test the class, we can create an instance of it:
data = NormalizedImagesData(your_dataloader)
# And validate the implementation: