
DeepchecksLLMClient.get_data_if_calculations_completed(app_name: str, version_name: str, env_type: EnvType, user_interaction_ids: List[str], events_to_check: List[InteractionCompleteEvents] | None = None, max_retries: int = 60, retry_interval_in_seconds: int = 20, return_topics: bool = True, return_annotation_data: bool = True, return_input_props: bool = True, return_output_props: bool = True, return_custom_props: bool = True, return_llm_props: bool = True, return_similarities: bool = False) DataFrame | None#

Check if calculations for specified events are completed by calling get_interactions_complete_status.

If all user_interaction_ids completed then we will fetch the data for those ids, if not - will sleep and retry again. Consider increasing max_retries or retry_interval_in_seconds if running the method returns None.


Application name


Name of application version


Environment type


A list of events whose completion status needs to be checked. By default, only annotation_completed is checked


A list of user interaction IDs to retrieve data for.


Maximum number of retries if calculations are not completed. Defaults to 60.


Interval between retries in seconds. Defaults to 20.

return_annotation_databool, optional

Whether to include annotation info in the data.

return_topicsbool, optional

Whether to include the topic in the data.

return_annotation_databool, optional

Whether to include annotation info in the data.

return_input_propsbool, optional

Whether to include input properties in the data.

return_output_propsbool, optional

Whether to include the output properties in the data.

return_custom_propsbool, optional

Whether to include custom properties in the data.

return_llm_propsbool, optional

Whether to include LLM properties in the data.

return_similaritiesbool, optional

Whether to include similarities in the data.


A DataFrame containing the retrieved data if calculations are completed, otherwise None.