
HeatmapComparison.initialize_run(context: Context)[source]#

Initialize run.

Function initializes the following private variables:

  • self._task_type: TaskType

  • self._train_grayscale_heatmap: variable aggregating the average training grayscale image

  • self._test_grayscale_heatmap: variable aggregating the average test grayscale image

  • self._shape: List containing the target image shape (determined by the first image encountered)

  • self._train_counter: Number of training images aggregated

  • self._test_counter: Number of test images aggregated

If task is object detection, we also initialize the following variables:

  • self._train_bbox_heatmap: variable aggregating the average training bounding box heatmap

  • self._test_bbox_heatmap: variable aggregating the average test bounding box heatmap