
MNistNet.get_submodule(target: str) Module#

Returns the submodule given by target if it exists, otherwise throws an error.

For example, let’s say you have an nn.Module A that looks like this:

(The diagram shows an nn.Module A. A has a nested submodule net_b, which itself has two submodules net_c and linear. net_c then has a submodule conv.)

To check whether or not we have the linear submodule, we would call get_submodule("net_b.linear"). To check whether we have the conv submodule, we would call get_submodule("net_b.net_c.conv").

The runtime of get_submodule is bounded by the degree of module nesting in target. A query against named_modules achieves the same result, but it is O(N) in the number of transitive modules. So, for a simple check to see if some submodule exists, get_submodule should always be used.

target: The fully-qualified string name of the submodule

to look for. (See above example for how to specify a fully-qualified string.)


torch.nn.Module: The submodule referenced by target

AttributeError: If the target string references an invalid

path or resolves to something that is not an nn.Module