
Deepchecks has built-in Suites to enable you to run many Checks at various points throughout the research phase. The following quickstarts exemplify how to run each of these suites with only a few lines of code.

When To Validate - ML Pipeline Schema

These are great as initial entry points to get familiar with the value you can get from deepchecks. For more info about each of the recommended scenarios, check out the When Should You Validate & Built-In Suites guide. For the API reference of each of the built-in Suites, check out deepchecks.tabular.suites.

Of course, every research process has its unique steps and challenges, and therefore all checks and suites can easily customized, more info about customizations of suites, conditions, checks, etc. can be found in the Tabular.


Full Suite Quickstart

Full Suite Quickstart

Model Evaluation Suite Quickstart

Model Evaluation Suite Quickstart

Data Integrity Suite Quickstart

Data Integrity Suite Quickstart

Train-Test Validation Suite Quickstart

Train-Test Validation Suite Quickstart

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